If you love cannabis it's a safe bet you're always on the hunt to find the best weed strain. We reviewed thousands of weed strains available on the market as of May 2020 and created a simple list to help you pick the most potent and strongest weed strain for your personal enjoyment and therapeutic pursuits. We evaluated each marijuana strain across a variety of factors including potency, effects, lineage, THC & CBD content, aroma, appearance, and more, and these are truly the best strains out there.
Read on below to see the list of the 10 best types of weed and the highest THC strains & highest CBD strains available.
Hybrid Weed Strains
Picture StrainTHC Content CBD ContentOrigin / LineageAromas / Flavors

Blue Dream Strain 17-24%0.1-0.2%Silver Haze Blueberry IndicaBlueberry, Berry, Fruity, Sweet, Vanilla, Herbal, Floral, Mango

Girl Scout Cookies Strain (GSC Weed Strain) 25-28%0.09-0.2%OG Kush Duban PoisonSweet, Baked Cookies, Earthy, Floral

Gorilla Glue Strain 25-30%0.05-0.1%Chem’s Sister Sour Dubb Chocolate DieselEarthy, Coffee, Pine, Pungent, Chocolate

OG Kush Strain (Kush Weed) 20-25%0.0-0.05%Hindu Kush Afghani IndicaEarthy, Pine, Lemon, Citrus, Wood, Oaky

Sunset Sherbet Strain (Orange Sherbet Weed)15-19%0.0-0.05%Girl Scout Cookies Pink PantiesSherbet, Fruity, Berry, Sweet, Orange, Lemon

Gelato Strain 13-25%0.1-0.2%Girl Scout Cookies Sunset SherbetEarthy, Sweet, Minty, Citrus, Lavender

White Widow Strain 18-25%0.0-0.05%South Indian Indica South American SativaSweet, Floral, Woody, Earthy, Spicy

Wedding Cake Strain (Birthday Cake Weed)15-25%0.0-0.05%Girl Scout Cookies Cherry PieCookies, Cake, Butter, Sweet, Ginger, Vanilla, Nutty

Trainwreck Strain 14-18%0.02-0.05%Mexican Sativa Thai Sativa Afghani IndicaCitrus, Lemon, Pine, Earthy

Pineapple Express Strain 19-25%0.1-0.4%Trainwreck Hawaiian SativaTropical, Pineapple, Mango, Sweet

AK 47 Strain (AK47 Weed)13-20%0.8-1.5%Mexican Sativa Thai Sativa Afgani IndicaWoody, Oaky, Sweet, Skunky, Earthy

Bruce Banner Strain 24-29%0.5-1.0%OG Kush Strawberry DieselBerry, Sweet, Strawberry, Diesel, EarthyHaving trouble viewing the table on mobile? Turn your phone sideways!
Sativa Weed Strains
StrainTHC ContentCBD ContentOrigin / LineageAromas / Flavors

Sour Diesel Strain 20-22%0.2-0.5%Chemdawg 91 Super SkunkDiesel, Lemon, Oaky, Sour, Earthy
Durban Poison Strain 15-20%0.01-0.02%South African SativaSweet, Earthy, Pine, Lemon, Citrus

Jack Herer Strain 18-23%0.05-0.2%Shiva Skunk Haze Northern LightsEarthy, Pine, Lemon, Sweet, Fruity, Orange, Herbal

Green Crack Strain (Green Cush)15-25%0-0.05%Skunk #1 Mango IndicaMango, Sweet, Citrus, Tropical, Pine

Purple Haze Weed Strain 13-22%0-0.05%Haze Purple ThaiFloral, Herbal, Sweet, Earthy

Strawberry Cough Strain 13-18%0.1-0.2%Haze ErdPurt
Strawberry, Berry, Sweet, Tropical
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Indica Weed Strains
StrainTHC ContentCBD ContentOrigin / LineageAromas / Flavors

Grand Daddy Purp Strain (Grandaddy Purple)17-23%0.01-0.3%Big Bud Purple UrkleBerry, Grape, Skunky, Tropical, Sweet

Zkittles Strain (Skittles Weed Strain)15-23%0-0.01%Grape Ape Grapefruit
Sweet, Berry, Grape, Lemon, Cirtus

Dosido Strain (Do Si Do Weed Strain) 23-30%0.01-0.05%Girl Scout Cookies Face Off OGSweet, Lime, Blueberry, Earthy

Northern Lights Strain 16-21%0-0.01%Afghani Indica Thai SativaEarthy, Pine, Sweet, Citrus, Bitter

Bubba Kush Strain (Bubba Weed)14-22%0-0.01%OG KushCoffee, Herbal, Floral, Woody, Sweet, Nutty

Grape Ape Strain (Gorilla Grape / Purple Ape Weed) 16-25%0.01-0.02%Skunk #1 Mendocino Purps Afghani Indica
Grape, Sweet, Berry, Lavender, Tropical, Floral

Purple Kush Strain (Royal Purple Kush)17-27%0.07-0.1%Hindu Kush Purple AfghaniBerry, Earthy, Fruity, Grape