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Why are Professional Chefs Going to Cannabis Cooking School? Get the training you need to become a cannabis chef in your spare time by going to cannabis cooking school online with Cannademy! I was talking with a friend the other day who was quite surprised to learn that a substantial percentage of of the students in Cannademy's comprehensive Cannabis

Long Term Cannabis Benefits: Why You Need Cannabis NOW What are the benefits of Cannabis? Let’s start the discussion with prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and some cancers! You already know that cannabis can likely help your health. You’ve probably talked to people or seen news stories or social media posts singing the praises of medical marijuana or CBD

THE 1 THING MOST PEOPLE GET WRONG ABOUT EDIBLES TOLERANCE I have learned a lot about people's edibles tolerances and what they think about their edibles tolerance. This knowledge comes from making edibles, sharing edibles, and teaching others making edibles for over 15 years. I found that that, generally speaking, there is one thing that the majority of cannabis users get wrong about their personal edibles tolerance and it is this: When asked about their personal edibles tolerances, most people tend to over-estimate theirs. It’s true. I wish it weren’t so. But I find that unless the person is a complete beginner and fearful of cannabis, more often than not they think they have a bigger edibles tolerance than they actually do. This can be problematic because, if someone has a bad edibles experience, it can turn them off to edibles forever. And that’s a shame. Because in the right dose edible cannabis can be incredibly effective for a variety of issues including pain, insomnia, inflammation, nausea, anxiety, and much more. Plus a good edibles buzz can be fun! how to make edibles It’s true, there is no easier way to ingest “too much marijuana” than by eating it. I learned this lesson the hard way when I first started cooking with cannabis and before I learned how to properly dose my edibles, let alone how to dose them for a crowd. I baked some cookies that my friends enthusiastically wolfed down, some of them eating two or three. I warned my buddies the cookies were strong, but all of them (except one) laughed and assured me they could handle it. They overestimated their edibles tolerances. They were wrong and all of them (except for one) slept through the entire 3-day camp-out music festival we were attending. A couple of these folks will still not eat edibles to this day. Thankfully eating too much is not dangerous, although it can be mighty uncomfortable. I go into ways in my online cannabis cooking course how to counteract this situation should it inadvertently happen to you or someone you know. I only wish I had known about these techniques back in those days. I now have tried and true strategies for serving cannabis in mixed crowds and they are included with the course. Most importantly, my Easy Cannabis Cooking for Home Cooks course will show you how to dose edibles according to your needs, or the needs of the people you are making them for. And everyone is different. Just as too much marijuana is problematic, so is too little, because it can cause someone to think edible cannabis doesn’t work. The fact is, it likely would work for them, if they can discover how to best use it for their needs. Master Cannabis Edibles Dosing in 3 Easy Steps!

How NOT to Waste Money When Making Edibles Judging from a lot of the emails I have been getting, many of you who have tried cannabis cooking and making edibles have been disappointed at the results. Sometimes the edibles came out too strong which turned the person off to the experience. But more often than not, I am hearing from people who went to the time and expense of making edibles, only to get results that were too weak or had no noticeable effect at all. To be sure, dosing is one of the trickiest parts of making edibles, which is why I devote A LOT of time to it in my full online Cannabis Cooking for Home Cooks course. But the reality is, many more factors come into play than simply using the right amount of marijuana. And I cover these in the course as well. Sure the right amount of cannabis is important for dosing, but how you handle and process it, the temperatures you cook at and for how long, and even how you infuse the cannabis into your foods can make all the difference between a batch of edibles with no noticeable effects or one that gives you the results you need. A misstep at any one of these critical points and your batch of edibles could disappoint, which means you have wasted both time and money. How to Get Consistent Results When Making Edibles Cannabis cooks who consistently get great results are not necessarily experienced chefs or culinary professionals, although some are). And they don’t need special machines or gadgets. The difference between successful cannabis cooks and those who get mixed results from batch to batch is in the baseline knowledge of the principles and science of cannabis cooking. Once you understand these basic rules, you too will be able to consistently get great results. My comprehensive online course Cannabis Cooking for Home Cooks covers everything you need to know. The course is broken down into short, easy to digest lessons you can watch on your schedule.

3 WAYS FOR HOW TO MAKE EDIBLES WORK BETTER Do you ever wonder if you are getting everything you should from your cannabis edibles? Perhaps you need advice on edibles for beginners, as you are not sure what to expect. Or maybe you are an experienced cannabis user who is just not getting the results from edibles you had hoped for. Or most commonly, you might be having troubles figuring out just how much you should eat. No worries. There is a learning curve to how to take edibles for beginners. But even regular cannabis users may or may not understand the best ways of how to make edibles work better for their own personal needs. And that really is what it is all about when it comes to cannabis edibles: everyone’s personal edibles needs are different. how to make perfect edibles What works best for one person, may or may not work best for another. Likewise, the techniques and factors to explore when we talk about how to make edibles work better will be the same for everyone, but how they are applied will be quite different. How to make edibles work better for you: A lot of factors go into making the perfect cannabis edibles. However, these 3 considerations are most important when it comes to how to make edibles work better for you personal needs. Or the needs of whoever is consuming the edible. 1. The dosage must be correct for the person consuming the edible. A lot of variables come into play with edibles. Most importantly the strength of the cooking material and the tolerance level of the person eating the food can make or break an edibles experience. The cooking and cannabis dosage courses here at Cannademy show you how to customize the edibles you create for the effects you need. Every time you cook with marijuana. It can take a little time to get your perfect dosage dialed in, but when you do, the results can literally be life changing (we know because our students tell us this all the time). 2. The edibles have to taste good. If you don’t want to eat them, you won’t get any benefits from your edibles because edibles sitting on the counter or in the fridge are not helping anyone. We recently updated our Cannabis Cooking course with a brand new module covering most people’s #1 complaint about edibles: the flavor. We’ve included lots of tips and tricks to improve the taste of cannabis edibles so that you’ll actually look forward to eating the edibles you make (although watch out for portion control and dosing!). And not just cookies, brownies, and gummies, you can medicate most ANY recipe with cannabis. 3. The cannabis must be properly prepared and handled. If you (or whoever made your edibles) fail to properly decarboxylate plant material, whether cooking with THC or CBD, your edibles will lack potency and effectiveness. The same goes if your temperatures get too hot. Cannademy's Cannabis Cooking Course covers all the temperature considerations you need to take into account, along with what decarboxylation is, why you need it, and how to do it for maximum potency in your finished edibles. If you take these 3 points into consideration each time you cook with cannabis, you'll most of the way, if not all of the way, there to making perfect edibles.

Sign up for our FREE email course: 3 Steps to Perfect Edibles Dosing. You'll never guess again how much THC is in your homemade edibles! Dosing homemade edibles is a topic that causes a lot of stress and anxiety in a lot of would-be cannabis cooks. So much so that some people give up before ever experiencing how edible cannabis can change their lives. how to make edibles That is a shame. Because once you dial in what your body needs, cannabis edibles can be a game changer. No matter what kind of effects or relief you are seeking. The fact that everyone is so different makes dosing homemade edibles so challenging. What works for your spouse, or your friend, may or may not work for you. But taking the time to figure out what you need is a worthwhile enterprise. Once you know your optimal dose you will then be able to create the exact edibles you need. How important is getting the proper edibles dosage? I have literally gotten several emails from people who say it saved their lives. The first time that happened, I thanked the person but said that sounded a bit hyperbolic. They were adamant that it wasn’t. After they explained how much cannabis edibles helped them manage their severe pain levels, helped them to sleep, and helped them stop using opioid drugs, it didn’t sound so hyperbolic after all. Just 3 Easy Steps for Dosing Homemade Edibles Effectively! So because dosing homemade edibles is so confusing. AND because proper dosing for homemade edibles is so important, I created a simple course to break down the essentials of edibles dosing into 3 easy to understand steps. Fill out the form below to get this easy edibles dosing class delivered to your inbox. After you read the short emails in this 3-day course, the thought of dosing homemade edibles will no longer be confusing. You will know how to determine your own personal optimal edibles dosage. You will know the important factors that affect cannabis edibles dosages. You will understand how making small changes when making edibles can make BIG changes in the dosages of the finished edibles. And you will have a thorough understanding of how it is definitely possible for home cooks to make homemade edibles that are perfectly dosed for the person consuming them. Sign up for this free email course now. Perfect dosing for homemade edibles is just within your grasp!

CANNABIS CERTIFICATES FROM CANNADEMY A lot of folks have been asking for certificates to show they completed the courses at Cannademy. We recently added this feature and now students who complete the online cannabis courses at Cannademy will receive a cannabis certificate of completion, a cannabis diploma if you will. What can I do with the cannabis certificate? Why might you want such a certificate of graduation? There could be many reasons but some of the most popular include: To keep yourself accountable: Life happens and other things can take up your time. When you have lifetime access to a course like you do with Cannademy’s online cannabis courses, it’s easy for it to get buried among other tasks. Having the goal of completing the course and earning the Cannabis Diploma by a certain date will keep you on track to learning and stop procrastination. It will also give you confidence in your level of knowledge. To show a potential employer: At this point there are no accredited cannabis schools so the value of a certificate from any school including this one by employers is somewhat questionable. That said, the certificate does show you have a certain level of knowledge and that you took the initiative to learn more about the subject. So bottom line, it can’t hurt. If a potential employer wants to ask about what is covered in the course, feel free to give them our contact info. We are always happy to answer any questions. To validate knowledge to peers: If you pay attention in any of Cannademy’s Cannabis Certificate courses, you will know so much about the topic of marijuana, you will come across as an expert to your friends and family. The course graduation certificate shows you actually took the time to learn about this topic and gain proficiency with it. In other words, you will be able to show that you took the time to learn about what you are talking about before opening your mouth, unlike the majority of the rest of the population talking about and passing judgement on cannabis. Cannabis Certificates of Completion are course extras that will be important to some folks, but not at a priority for others. And of course, it completely optional. So if you don’t care about online course certificates, that’s fine and have a great day. You will still learn a LOT with or without getting the certificate. But if you would like a cannabis certificate from the courses you complete, that is now available. Cannabis Certificate of Completion How do I get my Graduation Cannabis Certificate? When you have marked each and every lesson in a course, the certificate will be automatically issued to you. In order for this to happen, you MUST click the “COMPLETE and CONTINUE” button at the end of each lesson and section of the course. Find the button in the upper right of your screen when taking the course. how to make edibles How do we monitor the progress? Could you cheat and mark lessons complete that you didn’t actually watch? You could. But you would only be cheating yourself. Take the course. It is worth it. As an online course creator ourselves, we also take a lot of online courses. Even when watching subjects that we think we know well, we often pick up something new and/or cement more challenging concepts in the brain. We know the same will happen for you with lessons in Cannademy’s online cannabis courses. Happy studying!

BREAKING THE STIGMAS AND STEREOTYPES OF POTHEADS WITH CANNABIS TOPICALS Most folks these days don’t need much convincing when it comes the medical benefits of marijuana. They have read news reports and watched television shows (including FIVE Dr. Sanjay Gupta specials) singing the healing praises of cannabis. But occasionally people are still stuck in outdated stigma, stereotypes of potheads, and misinformation. How to make topicals Topical cannabis to the rescue! I have talked to many people over the years who have used topical marijuana as a gentle way to introduce their aging parents and grandparents to the benefits that medical marijuana can offer. These seniors did not want to smoke anything and were both skeptical and fearful of using marijuana at all. They were people who, because of government and corporate sponsored brainwashing over the decades, were stuck with stereotypes of potheads. Topical Cannabis Opens Minds and Heals Bodies! Even people who would never in a million years smoke cannabis or eat an edible will often try a topical product. I am not saying they won’t be skeptical that rubbing marijuana infused skincare products on the body can help. But once they experience the benefits of topical cannabis, that often changes. Their minds invariably open up to the possibilities cannabis can bring to their health and quality of life. The stigma fell away so much for some these folks, they went on to use edible and even inhalable cannabis. DIY Topicals, an Easy and Economical Way to Try Topical Cannabis You don’t even have to spend a lot to introduce cannabis topicals to a cannabis-resistant patient. Marijuana topicals are easy and economical to make, and they are the gift that everyone wants. Infused massage oils make a terrific introduction. Rub some on anywhere there is pain or inflammation and see how cannabis topicals can work for you. Download Cannademy instructor Cheri Sicard’s FREE cannabis massage oil tutorial to learn how to make it. Beyond massage oils, Cheri’s Easy DIY Topicals and Suppositories online course can teach you make LOTS of different cannabis infused skincare products including pain salves, body butters, bath bombs and bath soaks, lip balms, roller oiler, natural sunscreen and more (everything you see in the photo below and more. Making Cannabis Topicals What if I don’t know ANYTHING about making skin care products? If you can read a recipe, measure out a few ingredients, and turn on a stove, you have all the skills necessary to make healing cannabis infused skincare products in the comfort of your own kitchen. The course will teach you everything else you need to know including Give you over 60 easy to make tested formulas for marijuana topicals including bath bombs and bath soaks, salves and balms, body butters, massage oils, lip balms, wrinkle serums, natural sunscreens, lotion bars, and even sexual lube. You will see actual demonstrations of how to make them so you can put the healing power of topical cannabis to work for you right away. Show you how to infuse cannabis into any skincare product you choose to make so you can have fun creating your own special formulas. Help you determine an optimal topical cannabis dose for your conditions so that you don’t waste money using more marijuana than you really need. Give you easy to use topicals dosage calculators that you can use anytime you make skincare formulas using marijuana flowers, concentrates, or commercial tinctures. Teach you about the roles of THC, CBD and other cannabinoids in topical cannabis so you can determine what will work best for your needs. Bring you up to speed on the latest scientific research as well as anecdotal evidence on topical cannabis so that you understand what it can (and can’t) do, and give you a realistic idea of what to expect when you use it. Explore different types of carrier oils, essential oils, and other ingredients you can use to increase the healing potential of your marijuana skincare products. Cover essential information you need to understand about natural skincare products so that you always make pure, safe, all natural topicals that retain maximum potency and therapeutic benefits. With jars of high quality cannabis salves selling for $50 to $100 and cannabis infused bath soaks going for about $15 (for a single bath), you almost can’t afford NOT to make your own topicals. What better way to provide your loved ones with the healing power of cannabis. Even those stuck with the stereotypes of potheads stuck in their heads!

WHAT ARE EDIBLES? HOW TO CONSUME EDIBLES What Are Edibles? Edibles Definition: Foods infused with cannabis. When it comes to edibles the weed used can be high in THC or CBD, or both. A lot of people seem to think gummies, and cookies, and brownies are the only things that can constitute a marijuana edible. These are the most popular choices at dispensaries around the country, but the fact is, almost ANY food or recipe can be turned into weed edibles. how to make edibles So edibles is the general term for any food infused with cannabis. Cannabis Edibles How To Consume Edibles You consume edible cannabis by eating them, of course. But beyond that there are some things to keep in mind when it comes to the subject of how to consume edibles: Dosing is important and HIGHLY individualized. More on this important topic later on this page, but know that a 5 mg THC dosage of edibles is too much for some people and a 100 mg THC edible dosage is not enough for others. Take the time to figure out your individual dosing needs before chowing down with gusto. Cannademy’s FREE edibles dosing class or $5.00 dosage calculators (that do the math for you) can help you figure out an edibles dosage that is right for you. Cannabis metabolizes best with fat. Likewise, foods made with fats tend to have better/stronger effects than fat free marijuana edibles. If you must consume a fat-free cannabis edible, for best results try to consume it along with another food or drink that does contain some fat. You will likely feel the effects of edibles consumed on an empty stomach more than those taken after eating other foods. You don’t actually need to feel high to get medicinal benefits from marijuana edibles! In fact, some people, especially those who need to stay alert for their jobs, prefer to manage their medical conditions by eating tiny amounts of weed edibles throughout the day. This is known as micro dosing edibles. People microdosing THC edibles never feel high, but those small spaced out edibles dosages can help manage pain, nausea, inflammation, anxiety, and a host of other conditions. Dosing of Marijuana Edibles Edibles Dosage Calculators There is no such thing as a single optimal edibles dosage that works for everyone. NO SUCH THING! And if anyone tries to tell you there otherwise, you can bet some serious money that person knows little to nothing about edible cannabis. Everyone wants an easy one size fits all answer. But sadly, it just does not work that way. It will take some personal experimentation to figure out what the optimal THC dosage is for your needs, metabolism, and medical conditions, but taking the time to figure that out is worthwhile. In fact, it can be life changing. Determining an optimal THC dose can be a little challenging as unlike with smoking or vaping cannabis where you feel the effects right away, with edible cannabis it can take an hour and a half or more before you ever feel anything. Also, know that your edibles dosage needs will change over time and with changing health conditions. That’s a good thing. But know that proper edibles dosage is an ever evolving process for cannabis users. Get a handle on this by taking Cannademy's FREE Edibles Dosage Class, or by using our Dosage Calculators that do all the math for you (just $5.00) to get a handles on the optimal dosage for your cannabis edibles. Effects of Edibles Edible effects depend on many factors, including the health and metabolism of the person consuming them, the strength of the cannabis used to make them, the combination of terpenes and cannabinoids in the plant material, how much or how little was consumed, and more. All these factors, depending on how they are combined, can cause of a myriad of different physical effects. For most people most of the time, the most common effect of edibles is mild euphoria. However, the wrong dosage of the wrong strain in some people can cause anxiety or even paranoia. Mostly it is too strong a dose that’s the culprit in these cases, another reason why you should pay a lot of attention to the dosage of edibles. The second most common effect of edibles is sleepiness. Not only can edible marijuana help you fall asleep faster, it can help you stay asleep through the night. Of course when it comes to medicinal effects, edible marijuana has LOTS of uses, including but limited to relief from pain, nausea, insomnia, cramping, anxiety, depression, decreased appetite, diabetes and weight control, and a host of other conditions. Yes, it might seem like some of the symptoms contradict each other and it may sound hard to believe that one plant can help things as opposite as decreased appetite and obesity. However, since the body's endocannabinoid system maintains homeostasis throughout all the body's other systems, cannabis has the unique ability to perform in different ways when needed. To be sure that is an extremely simplistic lay person's explanation, but nonetheless accurate. Side Effects from Edibles edibles side effects Does edible marijuana have side effects? It can. Especially in the wrong doses. That said the most common side effect of edible cannabis is dry mouth, also known as “cotton mouth” in stoner terms. This can happen when smoking marijuana too, but it seems to be even more pronounced with edibles. Have lots of liquids handy when consuming edible cannabis and there will be nothing to worry about. Red eyes are a common side effect of THC edibles (CBD does not cause red eyes). A lot of people think it is the smoke from cannabis that causes the red eye phenomenon, however edibles can too. It is the THC in edibles (or smokabes) that is the actual culprit. Check out this short video and article to learn more about it along with why red eyes from cannabis might actually be beneficial for you. Any unpleasant side effects you might feel from edible weed is more likely the result of too high a dosage, rather than the cannabis itself. But relax, it is never fatal. Cannabis does not shut down organs or make you stop breathing, even in high doses. Marijuana simply does not work that way in the body. Regardless, there is no easier way to consume too much marijuana than by eating it. This is another reason to take the Free Edibles Dosing Class and get a handle on your dosing needs. Can You Overdose on Edibles? edibles overdose Eating too much marijuana might make you feel dizzy, or disoriented, paranoid and/or nauseous. Should you or someone you know ever consume too much of a dosage of edibles, there are steps you can take to come down from that uncomfortable high almost instantly. This article and video will give you details. Are edibles bad for you? Have people ever had bad reactions to edibles? Of course. Usually having to do with dosage, as we talked about in the previous section. Otherwise, cannabis edibles are only as bad for you as the foods and recipes that contain them. A lot of people like to consume sugar laden edibles like gummies, and brownies, and cookies. These can hardly be considered health foods, so in that respect, because sugar is bad for you, those types of edibles are bad for you. However, you can medicate almost any food, so edibles need not be unhealthy. Cannademy’s comprehensive online course Easy Cannabis Cooking for Home Cooks comes with hundreds of recipes for every course of the meal and every meal of the day, so there is no need to stick with unhealthy sugary edibles unless you choose to. In fact, nutritionally speaking, cannabis is an antioxidant rich super food. So far from being “bad” for you, adding cannabis to healthy foods and recipes can actually make them even healthier and better for you. How to Make Edibles how to make edibles, weed butter How to make edibles for beginners is different than how to make edibles when you are experienced. Not that the actual process or recipes you use is different, how much research and prep work you will do before cooking with cannabis will reduce over time and with experience. When you are a complete beginner learning how to make edibles, you will need to take time to assess your dosing needs, as we talked about earlier on this page. It’s not difficult, but there is a small learning curve to getting it right that becomes second nature the more you make and consume edibles. The same goes for learning the basic skills of cooking with cannabis. They are not difficult to learn, but without this basic knowledge set and skills, your edibles will always be destined to disappoint. However, once you learn the important elements of cannabis cooking such as knowing how to properly activate your cannabis, what temperatures ranges to aspire to (and avoid), how to properly infuse cannabis into foods for the best effects and flavor, consistent accurate dosing, and more, the rest is just plain old cooking. So while it make take a little time in the beginning to absorb this knowledge, once you understand the principles of how to properly cook with cannabis, you’ll turning out outstanding edibles as easily as you fry eggs for breakfast. Honestly, one of the biggest obstacles would-be cannabis cooks need to overcome is all the inaccurate and conflicting information about cannabis cooking floating around on the internet. Cheri Sicard, creator and instructor for Cannademy’s Easy Cannabis Cooking for Home Cooks course, constantly gets emails from frustrated people who have made fatal flaws by following bad internet advice. Bad edibles cooking advice often results in expensive batches of edibles being ruined and thrown into the trash. When she created the Easy Cannabis Cooking for Homes Cooks course, it was to provide home cooks with ALL the knowledge they need to become canna chefs right in their own kitchens. Without the frustration and waste that mistakes cause. Cheri’s course is without a doubt the quickest and easiest way to become a great cannabis cook. You’ll be turning out effective, great tasting edibles, perfectly dosed for your needs, the very first time you try. Once enrolled, you get lifetime access to this invaluable course, including any future upgrades. You’ll also get 100s of tasty, tested cannabis recipes, and Cheri’s Ultimate Guide to Cannabis Gummies completely free. Enroll now and start cooking with cannabis and making your own marijuana edibles! Table Of Contents 1 What Are Edibles? 2 How To Consume Edibles 3 Dosing of Marijuana Edibles 4 Effects of Edibles 5 Side Effects from Edibles 6 Can You Overdose on Edibles? 7 Are edibles bad for you? 8 How to Make Edibles

WHO SHOULD AND SHOULD NOT USE CANNABIS TOPICALS Do cannabis topicals work? Believe it or not, medical marijuana can provide effective treatments for a number of conditions by being applied to the outside of the body! How to make topicals That’s right, you do not need to smoke or eat cannabis in order to take advantage of its medicinal benefits. Just rub a THC Topical or CBD topical into your skin and start feeling relief! Will I get high from topical THC? Most THC topicals do not cross the blood brain barrier (see this video for the one important exception to this rule). Likewise, you won’t fail a drug test from marijuana topicals and you won’t get high either. But you may find significant relief from aches and pains, inflammation, itching, rashes, skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis, and much more. Who can benefit from Cannabis Topicals? As all natural skin care products hands down beat their store bought equivalents, most anyone can benefit from a THC topical or a cannabidiol topical (CBD), but especially athletes or anyone who regularly works out, seniors, anyone experiencing muscle aches, migraines, menstrual cramps, arthritis, skin conditions, and anyone fighting the signs and symptoms of aging. As topicals can provide localized relief without psychotropic side effects, even people who don’t like to smoke, vape, or eat cannabis can still enjoy some of its medicinal benefits. Yep, almost everyone can benefit from cannabis topicals. Almost? Who should not use topical cannabis? Potential Topical THC Side Effects and Topical CBD Side Effects While negative reactions to marijuana topicals are exceedingly rare, those with skin sensitivities and allergies should use caution when trying any kind of new topical product, not only because of the cannabis, but also because of other essential oils and ingredients that might be in it. Also, some people with severe plant pollen allergies might find they have an allergic reaction to topical cannabis. It’s always a good idea to try on a small patch of skin first, before applying liberally, if you are in doubt. How to Make Cannabis Topicals Making Cannabis Topicals Surprisingly, making cannabis topicals is fun and easy. They make terrific gifts, as well as valuable therapeutic products to add to your own health and beauty routines. Cannademy’s comprehensive online cannabis course DIY Cannabis Skincare and Topicals will show you just how easy it is to make cannabis creams for pain, THC and CBD Bath Bombs and bath soaks, marijuana lotion bars and speed sticks, marijuana massage oils, wrinkle creams, lip balms, and more. You probably already have most or all of the tools and ingredients to get started. Once enrolled you get lifetime access to this invaluable course, including future upgrades and new marijuana topical recipes and formulas. Learn more at this link. Enroll in Cannademy’s DIY Cannabis Topicals and Skincare course today and start making quality marijuana topicals tonight! This course will teach you how make all sorts of external cannabis infused products in the comfort of your home. From massage oil and moistening balms, to therapeutic bath soaks and sexual lubricants. This DIY cannabis topicals course covers it all! While I provide lots of tested formulas for making cannabis topicals (everything you see in the photo above and more), you’ll also learn the principles of making simple topicals, so you can come up with your own special blends and formulas too. The course uses simple ingredients and techniques that anyone can implement to make small batches of all natural, preservative-free, skincare products. Like I said, most everyone can benefit from the topical application of marijuana!

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